Agility Works Hurdles and More



Welcome to Agility Works!

We want to be your source for quality dog agility equipment. Our obstacles are strong enough to withstand the rigors of training, yet lightweight enough to be easily transported in your vehicle or on the course. The equipment we build is practical for training and meets the requirements for competition.

Steve Henninger designs and builds equipment for dog agility enthusiasts. Steve works closely with veteran agility competitor, trainer, and judge, Candy Gaiser to ensure that his agility equipment will meet the needs of handlers participating in all "flavors" of agility (USDAA, AKC, NADAC).Candy has more than 10 years experience in the sport and has put multiple titles on eight dogs including five championships. Her hounds have ranked in USDAA's Top 10 every year since its inception in 1996.

Holly doing what she loves to do!




All jumps have steel frames with a baked on powder coat finish.

Contact Obstacles

The contact obstacles are all aluminum.

All contact obstacles feature adjustable heights. 

The surface can be rubberized or painted with  non-slip surface.  

Wheels are  optional on the a-frame and dog walk.

If you want to refurbish your own  equipment, we can rubberize sheets of aluminum for you to attach to your own  frames.

If your equipment can come to us, we can install the new  surfaces for you.

Ordering Information

  • To order any equipment please send email to:
  • List the items you are interested in and include shipping address with phone number in email.
    I will respond with the shipping cost, total for your order and will answer your questions.
  • If you are unable to email, you can call or send a fax to (707) 448-5782

Payment Address:

Agility Works
3610 Orchard Ave
Corning CA 96021


NEW! Teacup Dog Agility Association Equipment

| Home | Wing Jumps |Spread Jumps | Hurdles | Panel Jumps | Contact Obstacles | Tire Jump |

Tunnel Chute | A-Frame | Teeter-Totter |Dog Walk | Pause Table | Weave Poles |Umbrella Holder | E-Mail |

Agility Works ~ Corning, CA (707)448-5782 

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All information and photos copyright© Agility Works Hurdles and More and may not be used without express written permission of Agility Works Hurdles and More. All artwork and graphics © DTP, Ink and Agility Works Hurdles and More. Permission will not be given to use graphics designed for this website.